Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2009 Youth Hunt!!!

It was my priviledge to get to be a part of something very special this past Saturday! Jody, Joel, Harper and myself went duck hunting at Trimcane WMA's youth hunt. This would be Joel and Harper's first duck hunt and wow was it awesome! Both young men harvested their first ducks ever. It truely is a blessing to see something that is so special to me in the eyes of a young person. Joel summed it up best as he stepped out of the duck hole....."We will be back next year!" He yelled shaking his fist. To make it even better, when we arrived at the check station, we were part of a WCBI newscast, ("You tell them Harper") and made the evening news the next night! A wonderful day, thanks guys for allowing me to be a part of it may you have many sunrises in the future.