Thursday, January 6, 2011

Woodies....(get your mind out of the gutter!)

Special thanks to the woodies for giving us the meat we need!

times they are a changin

Just wanted to give a quick update on the 2010-2011 what a season it has been! The season is drawing to a close and let me tell you things can really turn around on a dime! As in my previous post, my deer season has been a tough one. It was the first time in 16 years that I did not get a deer during primitive weapons season, but still I forged forward.....Second rifle season exploded with me harvesting 4 does! Meat is in the much in fact that we had to buy a new freezer! Duck season has also been the best I have seen it in years! Thanks so much to those that I have had the honor of sharing the duck and deer woods with! BTW....I loved my vacation this year...seemed like every week we had a different guest in our home hunting with was a blast! (Felt like I was running my own guide service...just without the pay.... Christmas brought Caleb Eby to the house and our other PA friends for a week or two of deer hunting southern style. Andy Reitz killed a 6 point and Caleb had many encounters with deer. (does, 4 points and better!) Christmas was also special because it was our first in our new home....Christmas morning we woke up to snow and it seemed almost surreal sitting by the fireplace watching it snow while we opened presents! Thanks Leanne for making our house a home!