As the sun sets on this day, I feel my heart grieving over the loss of a dear friend. This friend I came to know as a child. He was there for my whole life and now mine must move on without him. Nothing hurts like losing someone that you love, and I can truely say that I loved him like a member of my family. I have very good memories of working and even playing with him. He was always up for whatever fool idea I came up with. Like the time I wanted to preach and had him dig out of storage a podium and placed it in the house. I think at the time he was the only member of my congregation. Or the time that I wanted to go fishing in Morgantown and so we loaded up on my 3 wheeler and went....I am sure that we were quite the site. The list goes on and on. He watched me grow up and go through those times that everyone does. We skinned deer and turkeys. We talked about the weather and "how that rain was coming in" and how cold it was because "that wind was blowing off some ice" However, my first memory of him was getting in his car in Reform at the end of a long day....finishing work and getting ready to go home, the sun setting below the horizon. I can remember feeling safe with him...knowing that I was alright in his care.
I can sum up what Willie Gray meant to me and how much of an impact that he made on my life in a simple statement...He was always faithful!
I will never forget you. I will always love you. May you rest in peace with our Lord where the sun always shines from our beautiful were always faithful.
See you later Will!